YouTube is a go-to destination for all kinds of excellent how-to videos. Unfortunately, when it comes to resume help, you have to cut through a lot of junk to find the good stuff. (I know because I just spent all day doing it.)

Here are six videos from coaches, recruiters, and resume writers that get right to the point in offering stellar resume tips.

Taking a real 3-page resume down to a single page (9:46)

Many experienced professionals are taken aback by advice to keep their resume to one page. How does one distill more than a decade of work down to a single 8.5 x 11 inch piece of paper? John Marty takes on a personal challenge of whittling down a real person’s three-page resume down to the one-page standard, explaining his process along the way.

How to replace your resume objective statement (2:14)

Tejal Wagadia is a technical recruiter who helps job seekers peek behind the curtain of the recruiting process in order to become better candidates. In this short video, she discusses the outdated resume objective statement and how to replace it on your resume.

Check out Tejal’s YouTube channel here.

Resume help from Google recruiters (7:58)

Not everyone wants to get hired as a software engineer or work for Google, but we should all be listening when arguably the hardest tech company to get into offers resume help. Google receives many thousands of resumes every single week, meaning the Google recruitment team knows exactly what it takes for a jobseeker to stand out in a crowd.

Keep in mind that parts of this video are geared towards recent grads and/or software engineers. Most job seekers don’t need to put their education at the top of their resume or share their Github profile. Those caveats aside, this video offers great general advice on resume best practices and does a nice job of breaking down how to include measurable results on your resume.

How to write a professional resume (18:01)

If you’re ready to take a deeper dive into resume help videos, Andrew LaCivita offers a great place to start. The video below is a comprehensive top-to-bottom walkthrough of how to create a stellar professional resume and the most in-depth of his resume tips videos on YouTube. Andrew has experience as an executive recruiter but makes a point address the questions people have at a variety of career points and industries.

How to align your experience dates in Microsoft Word (2:09)

You don’t need a fancy resume template to wow a recruiter, but your resume should feature consistent formatting. If your resume sections get all out of whack, your professionalism and credibility take a hit.

Getting everything to line up consistently can be a major pain whether you’re using a pre-made Microsoft Word resume template or creating your own from scratch. Resume writer Kamara Toffolo‘s video below shows a simple Microsoft Word tip for getting your experience dates exactly where you want them.

Tailoring your resumes when applying for multiple jobs at the same company (2:22)

Kerri Twigg is one of the top people to follow on LinkedIn for job search. Back in November 2017 she posted an excellent video series called “30 days of resume” on LinkedIn which has since made its way to YouTube. This video is about what to do when you want to apply for two different positions at the same company.

Bonus: How to optimize your resume for applicant tracking systems (2:08)

Did you know Jobscan has a YouTube channel? Our videos share the how and why of Jobscan while allowing jobseekers to preview resume tailoring tools at their disposal.

This video provides an introduction into what applicant tracking systems are and how Jobscan helps get your resume past them.

Ready to give it a shot? Simply paste in the text from your resume and a job description for an instant resume analysis.

What are your favorite resume help videos? Let us know in the comments.

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