measurable results
Type in or paste your resume in the text box on the right to see if your resume has measurable results.
Measurable Results
Recruiters scanning resumes typically notice and hone in on definitive results, shown in numbers. The more specific you can be (while remaining concise), the better- add dates, length of time, and accurate numbers whenever possible.
measurable results found!
No measurable results found
Recruiters scanning resumes typically notice and hone in on definitive results, shown in numbers. The more specific you can be (while remaining concise), the better- add dates, length of time, and accurate numbers whenever possible.
- - Supervised up to 25 employees
- - Reduced labor costs by more than 15%
- - Increased sales from $1.2 to $2.5 million in 2017
- - Ranked in top 5% of employee performance for 3 years running
Measurable result categories
- - sales volume
- - number of units sold
- - dollars and percentages with revenue
- - share holder value increase
- - cost savings
- - budgets or funds served
- - numbers of customers served
- - number of customers retained
- - number of new customers
- - numbers of direct reports
- - number of people managed or hired
- - size of teams led
- - numbers of any tasks done in great quantity
- - efficiency increases
- - process improvements
- - time saved
- - numbers of awards or publications
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