Optimize your resume
get more interviews
Trusted by over 1 million job seekers
Boost your interview chances
Jobscan AI-powered resume checker optimizes your resume for any job, highlighting the key experience and skills recruiters need to see.
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Beat the bots
Most companies, including 99% of Fortune 500, use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to process your resume. These systems cause qualified candidates like you to slip through the cracks.
Jobscan reverse-engineered all the top ATS and studied recruiter workflows to get you in the “yes” pile.
Optimize your resume for ATSRate your resume
Is your resume a good match for what a recruiter is looking for? If it’s not, you might miss out on interviews for jobs you feel qualified for. Jobscan’s proprietary AI analyzes your resume and compares it to the job listing using AI technology. Use your match rate report to see how to optimize your resume to get more interviews.
Get your scoreSee your missing resume skills
Jobscan matches hard skills, soft skills, and keywords from the job listing to your resume. The AI-powered system will show you how to tailor your resume so that you highlight the skills and experience recruiters are searching for.
See your skills