About Us
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Jobscan is trusted by over 1 million job seekers worldwide.
Want to work with us?
We’re a tight-knit team that is passionate about making a positive social impact by helping people get back on their feet.
How it started...
Jobscan was born as a result of a job seeker’s frustration. When CEO James Hu found himself on the job hunt in 2013, he discovered that companies were using software to scan resumes for keywords. Discovering that job searching shouldn’t be a one size fits all approach, he built Jobscan from scratch to help job seekers automate the process.
Now Jobscan is not just helping one job seeker, but hundreds of thousands worldwide by building the best tools to empower job seekers so they can land their dream jobs.
We also partner with leading higher education institutions and career services organizations to improve employment outcomes for students and underserved populations and increase career coaching efficiency.
Jobscan is trusted by top higher education
institutions and leaders in employment outcomes:
Our core values
Help people get more interviews
Start with customers and work backward. Job seekers are in pain and frustrated. What are we doing to make their job search easier? What have you learned from our job seekers lately?
Measure your impact
Just like resumes should be measurable and so should our work. What quantifiable results are you driving for job seekers and for Jobscan?
Sense of urgency
Speed matters in business. Many decisions are reversible and do not need extensive study. We value calculated risk taking and experimentation. Failures are encouraged as long as we learn from them.
None of us have a magic pill. We only have best guesses. And we’d be wrong at least 50% of the time. And that’s ok. That’s why we need more experiments – across departments. Faster experimentations yield results faster.
Be efficient
ROI-focused and accomplish more with less time or cost. How can we reduce time or cost with quality results?
Reach for the impossible
Never say “that’s impossible.” Most things are possible if we try hard enough. We’re building the future and we will challenge conventional thinking.
Communicate proactively
We’re privileged to work in a remote setting but the trade-off is communication. More communication is needed in a remote environment to ensure we continue to execute at a good pace.
Trust is the fundamental bond between us and customers, between team members. We should be honest to each other and keep our word.
Set high bars
Always be raising the bar and think about how we can improve? Are we doing the best we can?