Jobscan > Jobscan Coach Tutorial
Jobscan Coach Tutorial
Jobscan Coach allows employment specialists to manage clients and track usage while sharing Jobscan’s top tools.
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Career coaches and employment specialists are already using Jobscan to speed up their clients’ job search. With Jobscan Coach, they can now give the power of Jobscan Premium directly to their clients at a discounted rate. Jobscan Premium includes unlimited resume scans, cover letter scans, live scoring, LinkedIn profile optimization, and other premium features.
Additionally, Jobscan Coach account holders can track their clients’ Jobscan usage and resume progress, create resume scans on their behalf, and easily share results back and forth through Jobscan.
If you’re new to Jobscan, give yourself a quick primer on Jobscan resume scan and LinkedIn Optimization before diving into Coach:
Jobscan Coach Dashboard
Once you’ve signed up for Jobscan Coach (see below for sign-up instructions), you are presented with the Jobscan Coach dashboard.
From here, you can use Jobscan’s resume or LinkedIn scan for yourself by scrolling down, or navigating to other features and learning more about what Jobscan Coach has to offer via the orange welcome message, sidebar links, and top navigation. Coach features are denoted by the orange star while Premium features are denoted by the yellow lightning bolt.
Client Manager
To manage clients, click “My Clients” in the top navigation bar. This will take you to the Client Manager.
Clients receive all the benefits of Jobscan Premium, including unlimited resume scans, cover letter scans, live scoring, and LinkedIn Optimization. Each Jobscan Coach account comes with two client slots to start, with a total of 50 additional client slots available for purchase. Clients can be moved freely in and out of these slots.
Add Clients
In the Client Manager, add clients by navigating to the Add Clients tab. On the right, you’ll see how many open client slots you have available and how many are in use. To add clients to your slots, simply list their email addresses separated by commas in the box on the right.
If a client is not already a Jobscan user, they can be invited to join. If they are an existing Jobscan user with a free account, they can be invited to upgrade. In either case, Jobscan will send your client an email with the invitation.
Click “Create Accounts” to invite users to be your clients.
When Client Status is “Unavailable”
In most cases, when you add a new client, their status will show as “available”. There are times when the client will be shown as “unavailable” when you enter their email address. There are a few reasons this can happen:
- Client is already signed up with a free Jobscan account
- Client is already signed up as a Jobscan Premium user
If a client has a free Jobscan account, you’ll see the option to “invite to client to upgrade”. When you invite the client to upgrade, they receive an email to accept the invitation.
If a client has an existing Jobscan Premium account, you will also see an “unavailable” status when you enter their email address. However, the option to “invite client to upgrade” is not available since they are already using Jobscan Premium.
If you’d like an existing Jobscan Premium member to be linked to your Coach account, you should email with your client copied on the email. Our support team can downgrade their current account and add them to your Coach account.
What Your Client Sees
When a new client is added, the invitation is sent to the email entered in the Client Manager. If they do not see it comes through, let them know that it may have landed in their junk mail or promotions tab.
When a new client is added, the invitation is sent to the email entered in the Client Manager. If they do not see it comes through, let them know that it may have landed in their junk mail or promotions tab.
When the client clicks on “Set Password”, it leads them to the following page:
After setting up their password, they will immediately be directed to their Jobscan Premium homepage and invited to start scanning.
View And Remove Clients
Active clients can be viewed in the View Clients tab. Here you can view client activity, tracked interviews, and specific scans. This is helpful in making sure your clients are getting the most out of Jobscan.
To remove a client from your client slots, click “Downgrade Client” on the right. This will free up a client slot, downgrade the client to a free Jobscan account, and move them over to the View Former Clients tab. Jobscan will send your client an email to let them know that you have downgraded them.
Former Clients
In the View Former Clients tab, you can review clients that have been downgraded. Former clients can be reinstated at any time via the Add Clients tab as long as there is an available slot. Note that you will not be able to view scans from former clients unless you reinstate them.
Scan Resumes For A Client
Once you’ve added an active client, you can select a client to work with by utilizing the Current Client menu at the bottom left of your screen.
While a client is selected, any resume scans you create will show up in their account with a message and email notification stating that their coach created a scan for them to review. Scanning a resume for your client is a good way to get them started in Jobscan and illustrate where their resume needs work.
If you do not want to offer your client’s access to Jobscan Premium, but you still want to scan on their behalf, you can select “Myself” from the Current Client menu and run scans for multiple clients.
To stay organized, after you run a scan, you can label it with your client’s name and other information, like the name of the company or job title in your Scan History. Just click the blue pencil icon and type in the box.
Sharing With Clients
As a Jobscan Coach, you can view all the resume scan results of your clients. Your clients can also send their results directly to you through Jobscan. When a client scans a resume, they’ll have the option to “Share With My Career Coach.” Once a client presses this button, you’ll receive a notification at the top of your dashboard from Jobscan. This makes it easier for you to collaborate with clients and respond in record time.
Signing up as a Coach
Here’s a rundown of how to get started with Jobscan Coach.
New Users
If you’re a new Jobscan user, signing up for Coach is easy. Just click “Sign Up” anywhere on the main site or head directly to
After entering in your email and setting your password, be sure to select “I am a Career Coach” for access to the Jobscan Coach plan.
After clicking “Sign Up,” select between the monthly ($99/month) or annual plan ($999/year). Selecting the annual plan is like getting two months free!
All Jobscan Coach users start with two slots in which active clients can be moved in and out. Move the slider to purchase additional client slots. You’ll notice that a 40% discount is applied with the addition of the first client slot (3 total). The discount increases with the addition of more client spots, up to a 70% discount.
Existing Users
Free users
If you already have a free Jobscan account and want to upgrade to Jobscan Coach, start by logging in and navigating to your user profile. Select “Job Information” on the left sidebar and specify that you are an “Employment specialist” in the “I am a:” dropdown.
After specifying that you’re an employment specialist, head back to your homepage at You should be presented with an orange message with more information about Jobscan Coach. Click “Learn More” to upgrade your account.
If you don’t see this message, look for a button that says “Show Career Coach Plan” or simply click “Upgrade.”
After clicking “Learn More” or “Upgrade,” select between the monthly ($99/month) or annual plan ($999/year). Selecting the annual plan is like getting two months free! All Jobscan Coach users start with two slots in which active clients can be moved in and out. Move the slider to purchase additional client slots. You’ll notice that a 40% discount is applied with the addition of the first client slot (3 total). The discount increases with the addition of more client spots, up to a 70% discount.
Premium Users
If you already have a Jobscan Premium account, please contact to upgrade to Jobscan Coach.
Jobscan Coach For University Career Centers
Interested in bringing the power of Jobscan Coach to your career services department or university students? Visit our universities page fill out our contact form to hear more about how Jobscan is being implemented by universities across the globe.
Jobscan Coach For Organizations
Do you have more than 50 client slots? Would you like to purchase more than 10 Coach accounts for your organization? Visit our partners page and fill out our contact form to learn more.
Jobscan for NGOs
Jobscan Impact is a membership program for small NGOs and socially conscious organizations focused on the economic empowerment of veterans, women, minorities, and a variety of populations with high barriers to employment. These organizations are eligible for Jobscan benefits, including an 80% discount on Jobscan Coach accounts for all career coaches within your organization.