Managing is about taking the lead in order to achieve success for an organization or team. 

Managing requires a high level of organization, detail-oriented thinking, leadership skills, and problem-solving capabilities.

This is why employers love to see any kind of management experience!

The only problem with using the word “manage” on your resume is that it can quickly become overused. It’s also vague and doesn’t tell employers exactly what you did

If you’ve ever been in charge of a team or situation, try to use a more specific word than “manage” to describe your experience.

Here are a few synonyms for “manage” that you can add to your resume.

Resume synonyms for Manage:

  • Administrated
  • Counseled
  • Decided
  • Empowered
  • Guided
  • Implemented
  • Led
  • Merged
  • Monitored
  • Oversaw
  • Processed
  • Recommended
  • Regulated
  • Taught

How to replace Manage with a stronger synonym

When writing your resume, try to replace the word “manage” with a more descriptive word.

For example:

Instead of saying,

Managed the college administration process to ensure compliance with federal, state, and local regulations.

Try saying,

Monitored college administration processes to ensure compliance with federal, state, and local regulations.”

This demonstrates your attention to detail and knowledge of college administration processes.

The word “managed” implies more of an oversight role.

Examples of how to use synonyms for Manage

Here are some examples of how to use synonyms for “manage” on your resume:

  • Empowered medical staff to make critical decisions on the spot, improving patient outcomes and supporting quality of care.
  • Processed legal paperwork for clients, such as wills, contracts, and other documents.
  • Guided students in developing effective study habits and organizational skills to help them succeed both inside and outside the classroom.
  • Regulated town building code enforcement to ensure compliance with safety and quality standards.
  • Merged multiple platforms to produce a streamlined publishing system, resulting in improved customer experience and increased sales.
  • Recommended improvements to the applicant tracking system that resulted in a 20% increase in workflow efficiency.


Q: What is another word for Manage to put on a resume?

If you are looking for an action verb that is more precise than “manage,” consider using one of these words instead:
• Administrated
• Counseled
• Decided
• Guided
• Implemented
• Led
• Merged
• Oversaw
• Regulated
• Taught

Q: What is a better way of saying Manage on a resume?

Instead of using a word like “manage” on your resume, try using words like Empowered, Processed, Guided, Regulated, Merged, and Recommended. These words describe what you did, which is the main point of a resume.

Not sure which words to use? Jobscan’s resume scanner will tell you in seconds.

Just copy and paste your resume and the job description into the scanner and it will tell you exactly which words you should add to your resume. 

The scanner also tells you how to format your resume, write eye-catching bullet points, avoid overused words and phrases, and more.

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Robert Henderson, CPRW, Resume Expert

Robert Henderson, CPRW, is a career advice writer and a resume expert at Jobscan. He is a certified professional resume writer (CPRW) and a member of the Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Career Coaches.

Robert helps produce Jobscan’s articles on resume writing and optimization, cover letter writing, LinkedIn profile optimization, and job search strategies. He is an experienced copywriter, content creator, editor, and is the author of four non-fiction books.

More articles by Robert Henderson, CPRW, Resume Expert
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